
In diesem Artikel wird dir die Benutzung des Discord Bots Ticket System beschrieben.

1. Bot Daten

In der Config.js musst du nun deinen Discord Bot Token angeben, und weitere Informationen.

config.bot = {
    token: "", // Bot Token (https://discord.com/developers)
    guildId: "",
    license: "",
    activity_enabled: true, // If disabled Bot wont override Activity (if multiple Bots are running on same Token)
    activitys: [
            name: "",
            type: "Watching",
            status: "idle",
            name: "",
            type: "Playing",
            status: "online",
    intervall: 10 * 1000, // Intervall of Activity Change

2. Database Setup

In der Config.js musst du deine MySQL Datenbank angeben.

config.database = {
    mysql: {
        host: "",
        user: "",
        password: "",
        database: ""

3. Ticket Panel

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten des Ticket Panels

config.ticketmenu = {
    type: 1, // 0 ist für Buttons & 1 ist für ein Select Menu
    maxTickets: 5, // The maximum number of tickets a user can open at the same time.
    title: "",
    description: "",
    placeholder: "",
    color: "#",
    image: "",
    banner: "",
    author: {
        name: "",
        iconURL: "",
        url: ""
    footer: {
        text: "",
        iconURL: ""
    timestamp: true,

4. Ticket Kategorien

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten der Ticket Kategorien (Max 25)

config.categorys = [
    // To add more categorys, just copy the code below and paste it above the last category.
        name: "",
        description: "",
        emoji: "",
        categoryid: "",
        ticket: {
            name: "ticket-{username}",
            topic: "{userid}",
            pinguser: true,
            pingstaff: false, // false to disable
            perms: ["RoleID", "RoleID"],
            embed: {
                title: "",
                description: "",
                image: "",
                color: "#",
                author: {
                    name: "",
                    iconURL: "",
                    url: ""
                footer: {
                    text: "",
                    iconURL: ""
                timestamp: true,

5. Ticket Feedbacks

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten des Feedbacks System

config.feedback = {
    enabled: true,
    autoCloseFeedback: false, // ask for Feedback When User Didnt Responsed Ticket
    voiceCounter: {
        enabled: true,
        name: "Bewertung {counter}/5",
        channel: ""
    textChannel: {
        enabled: true,
        channel: ""
    emojis: {
        starEmoji: "",
        emptyEmoji: "",

6. Ticket Auto Close

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten des Auto Close System

config.autoclose = {
    deleteAfterNoResponse: 5 * 60 * 1000,
    messageReminderTimeout: 1 * 60 * 1000,
    checkIntervall: 30 * 1000,
    dontWarnIfLastMessageSentByTicketAuthor: false,
    embed: {
        title: "",
        description: "",
        color: "#",
        image: "",
        banner: "",
        author: {
            name: "",
            iconURL: "",
            url: ""
        footer: {
            text: "",
            iconURL: ""
        timestamp: false, // If true the Embed will have a Timestamp

7. Ticket Reminder

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten des Feedbacks System

config.reminder = {
    embed: {
        title: "", // Title of Embed
        description: "", // Description of Embed
        color: "#", // Color of Embed
        image: "", // Image of Embed
        banner: "", // Banner of Embed
        author: {
            name: "", // Name of Author
            iconURL: "", // Icon of Author
            url: "" // URL of Author
        footer: {
            text: "", // Text of Footer
            iconURL: "" // Icon of Footer
        timestamp: false, // If true the Embed will have a Timestamp

8. Discord Logs

Hier findest du alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für die Discord Logs.

config.logs = {
    ticketopen: {
        enabled: true,
        channel: "",
            title: "",
            description: "",
            color: "#",
            fields: [
                    name: "",
                    value: "",
                    inline: true
                    name: "",
                    value: "",
                    inline: true
                    name: "",
                    value: "",
                    inline: true
            timestamp: true
